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Police Investigate Robbery on Marina Drive
30 January 2025, 12:46 PM Police/Cou...

At around 12:20AM, Thursday, 30 January, police received a report of a robbery that occurred outside a residential address on Marina Drive, in the vicinity of Orange Drive, Patrick’s Island.

Police Investigate Commercial Burglary in George Town
30 January 2025, 12:45 PM Police/Cou...

Just after 4:30 AM on 29 January, police were dispatched by the 9-1-1 Communications Centre to a report of an alarm at a commercial premise located on North Church Street.

CICG Respond to Overturned Vessel in North Sound
28 January 2025, 01:56 PM Police/Cou...

At around 3:45PM, Monday 27 January, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard (CICG) received a report of a vessel in distress, in North Sound.

RCIPS Officers Attended National Women of Colour in Policing UK Conference 2024, 28 January
28 January 2025, 01:55 PM Police/Cou...

Two Royal Cayman Islands Police Service officers were selected to represent the Cayman Islands at the National Women of Colour in Policing UK Conference

Police Investigate Wounding Incident Outside Licensed Premises
27 January 2025, 11:32 AM Police/Cou...

Shortly before 2:30AM, this morning, Monday 27 January, police responded to a report of a man armed with a machete

Police Investigate Burglaries Targeting Electronic Stores
26 January 2025, 04:37 PM Police/Cou...

This week police have received two reports of commercial burglaries whereby electronics stores

Police Investigate Serious Motor Vehicle Collision Involving a Pedestrian
24 January 2025, 07:32 AM Police/Cou...

Shortly before 8:15 PM on Wednesday, 22 January, officers responded to a report of a two-vehicle collision on Hirst Road

Police Investigate Serious Motor Vehicle Collision Involving a Pedestrian
22 January 2025, 10:00 PM Police/Cou...

Police are currently at the scene of a two vehicle collision that resulted in a pedestrian being seriously injured