The Ministry of Sustainability & Climate Resiliency and Wellness has announced the appointment of seven new persons to the National Conservation Council (NCC) today, Wednesday, 12 February 2025. The new appointees were confirmed by Cabinet on Tuesday 11 February. The membership of the Council is established in Schedule 2 to the National Conservation Law, and consists of five statutory members, representing the Departments of Environment, Planning, and Agriculture, plus a member representing the National Trust for the Cayman Islands; and eight members appointed by the Cabinet, of which at least four must have relevant scientific or technical expertise. The Cabinet also appoints one of the members as the Council’s Chair, who then holds a casting vote only. The Department of Environment provides a non-voting secretary to support the council. Council members serve two-year terms, with the possibility of later reappointment.
Hon. Dwayne Seymour, Minister for Sustainability & Climate Resiliency and Wellness thanked the outgoing Council members for their commitment to conservation and environmental efforts during their tenure. “The partnership of the National Conservation Council is vital to the successful management of our country’s natural resources. The work done over the past two years by our outgoing NCC has not gone unnoticed and I am grateful to each member for their time and efforts.”
Minister Seymour also welcomed the new Council appointees, saying: “I believe that the changes will establish a better balance for the community on a whole and be seen to be fair for all. It should be noted that the re-appointment of some members ensures continuity. The members bring a vast array of experience and expertise, as well as the vigour and passion necessary to serve the Cayman Islands in this capacity.”