Premier Wayne Panton JP, MP announced, 3 January 2023, that all elected Government and Official Members of the Parliament have signed a Parliamentary Code of Conduct (the “Code”), and delivered the same to the Clerk of Parliament.
Following its circulation to all Members of Parliament (“MPs”) in March 2022, the draft Code was reviewed and signed, and is now with the Clerk of Parliament to be signed by Members of the Opposition.
The Code for MPs sets out the standards to which all members agree to hold themselves, and in that context, to guide Members in the discharge of their obligations to the Parliament, their constituents and the public at large. The Code outlines conduct expected of MPs while they hold office, and contains rules which MPs are expected to observe in the performance of their responsibilities, including but not limited to conduct during Parliament, receiving gifts and official travel arrangements.
Premier Panton commented that: “The Parliamentary Code of Conduct outlines the minimum ethical standards of behaviour that Caymanians can expect from their MPs. This is an important milestone in our democratic process, and I am proud that all Government members have demonstrated their commitment to the Code and to abiding by the Nolan Principles, central to the Standards of Public Life”.
As for adopting the code, Panton reiterated his position that the “preferred approach” is for all MPs to sign the code, and thereafter it would be tabled in Parliament by way of a motion to be voted on.
“Leaders must hold themselves to the highest standards of ethics and accountability. It is essential for good governance, strong institutions, and more importantly for the stability and prosperity of these Cayman Islands,” Premier Panton concluded.