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Cayman’s suffragettes honoured with weeklong celebrations

Cayman’s suffragettes honoured with weeklong celebrations
20 March 2023, 05:02 AM

The three hundred and fifty-eight courageous women who advocated for the right to vote here in the Cayman Islands are being honoured by Celebrate Cayman from 22 – 31 March 2023 with a series of district celebrations throughout Grand Cayman.

A petition bearing the signatures of the suffragettes was placed before the Legislative Assembly of Justices and Vestry on 27 May 1957. These women requested “that they should be permitted from henceforth to exercise the right of voting in elections ... and be permitted to hold public office ...”. This led to the passing of  the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Law was passed by the Legislative of Justices and Vestry of the Cayman Islands on 8 December 1958 and, on 23 September 1959, Caymanian women finally participated in the electoral process for the very first time.

“As we celebrate Honouring Women’s Month, it is apt to recognise the bravery and foresight of the female pioneers who led the cause for women to have the right to not only choose public officers, but to become public officers. Today, our Parliament holds the greatest number of female MPs to date and our civil service boasts many women in senior leadership roles. As we make further strides as a country towards gender equity, it is humbling to acknowledge how far we have come. I invite all to attend these celebrations as we honour this pivotal time in our country’s rich history”, stated Celebrate Cayman chairman Mr Alfonso Wright.

For more information on the Women’s Right to Vote district celebrations, email