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Governor Owen Visits Sister Islands for the First Time

Governor Owen Visits Sister Islands for the First Time
02 May 2023, 05:24 AM

Her Excellency the Governor Jane Owen has returned to Grand Cayman after a busy day in the Sister Islands on Saturday, 29 April.

Accompanied by Hon. Premier Wayne Panton, Hon. Deputy Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, Acting Chief Officer of the Ministry of District Administration and Lands Wilbur Welcome and Aide-de-Camp Inspector Ian Yearwood, Her Excellency began her trip with a breakfast hosted by Minister for Planning, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure, Hon. Jay Ebanks.

From there, the Island tour continued with a visit to the Central Caribbean Marine Institute and ending with the Department of Environment. Other stops along the way included the Little Cayman Museum, National Trust and the Booby Pond Nature Reserve, and the Little Cayman Agriculture Show, which Her Excellency officially declared open.

Following this, Her Excellency and the party departed for Cayman Brac, where she attended a special Public Welcome Reception where she was met on arrival by Member of Parliament Moses Kirkconnell. After introducing herself to guests, Her Excellency, District Commissioner Tibbetts, Premier Panton and Deputy Premier O’Connor-Connolly offered remarks, during which a number of young musicians from the Cayman Brac community entertained those present with music, including steel pan playing.

This week, the Governor and the Premier will travel to the United Kingdom to attend the Coronation of Their Majesties The King and Queen, which will take place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday, 6 May.

The Governor and Premier will remain in the UK following the Coronation to attend the Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council, returning to Cayman following its conclusion.