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HRC Statement on Domestic Partnership Bill

HRC Statement on Domestic Partnership Bill
22 July 2020, 04:46 PM

2020 has proven thus far to be an unprecedented year for the residents of the Cayman Islands. Together we have faced numerous challenges which at times have felt insurmountable. We have worked together to overcome those challenges, and every day that passes our community continues to grow and strengthen. We should be proud of how our community came together, lending a helping hand, or two, donating our time, energy, and resources to persons we knew and persons we didn’t. The world watched as we put everything else aside to unite and undertake the necessary measures to ensure the importance of life was placed above all else during the global health pandemic. The world will continue to be watching when the Legislative Assembly debates the Domestic Partnership Bill, 2020 during the sitting. For some persons the ethos behind the Domestic Partnership Bill is emotive. The principle that there is an inherent dignity and worth of all persons underpins the foundation of human rights in general and the Cayman Islands Bill of Rights. During the debate the Commission reminds us all that in the face of divisiveness and intolerance, we should continue to treat everyone with courtesy, dignity and respect. #Caymankind. In the spirit and promotion of democracy, the Human Rights Commission would like to take this opportunity to state that the Domestic Partnership Bill seeks to address, and we hope that after the consultation period it will address, the current inequality within the Cayman Islands legislative framework. The Commission’s primary responsibility is to promote understanding and observance of human rights in the Cayman Islands. Its goals are promoting, protecting and preserving human rights. For more information on the Commission or to learn more about the Bill of Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities, call 244-3685 or visit our website and Facebook pages at and