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MOE and OES Host Inaugural Early Childhood Learning Event

MOE and OES Host Inaugural Early Childhood Learning Event
12 June 2024, 05:05 AM

The Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Office of Education Standards (OES) hosted the 'Inspiring Progress; Raising Standards – Early Childhood Learning Event' at the Compass Centre on Friday, 31 May 2024.

The landmark event brought together over 140 early childhood educators, centre owners, school principals, and other key stakeholders who were united in their commitment to nurturing children's growth and development during the critical early years.

Renowned early childhood expert Ms. Cynthia Hobbs, Lead Education Specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank, delivered the inaugural address. She underscored the long-term societal benefits of investing in early childhood education. Professor Gail Hunter and Colette Kane of the School of Early Childhood Education, George Brown College, shared valuable research on the correlation between self-regulation in early childhood and children's learning, along with practical strategies to support self-regulation in the early years.

Throughout the day, attendees participated in engaging workshops, stimulating panel discussions, and valuable networking opportunities. Critical topics such as integrating creative and expressive arts in the early childhood curriculum, supporting children with special educational needs (SEN) and additional support learning needs (ASLN), and creating stimulating learning environments were thoroughly explored.  A highlight was the Director of Just for Kids Preschool, Ms. Evelyn Rockett's insightful presentation on 'Integrating Caymanian Culture and Heritage in the Early Childhood Curriculum,' emphasising the importance of cultivating children's cultural appreciation from an early age.

MOE Acting Chief Officer Lyneth Monteith charged attendees to seize the opportunity to learn from one another and challenge conventional thinking. She added, "This will pave the way towards a future where early childhood education is the cornerstone of a prosperous, equitable, and thriving society for generations to come."

Attendees also gained a deeper understanding of the new OES early childhood inspection framework, 'First Steps to Success: Nurturing Environments and Thriving Children, ' developed in October 2023.

"This event supports our strategic goal of ensuring everyone in the early childhood sector fully understands the new inspection framework," stated OES Director Ms. Althea Edwards-Boothe. "As a result, attendees will be more skilled, knowledgeable and better equipped to deliver improved outcomes for all children in the Cayman Islands."

Attendees likewise benefited from insights shared by Her Excellency Governor Jane Owen, Bernice Cipparone, Director of the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College and Ms. Lauren Knight, Acting Chief Officer in the Portfolio of the Civil Service. Department of Education Services Director Mr. Mark Ray introduced the guest speaker and Mr. Shomari Scott, Chairman of the Cayman Islands Education Council, served as the Master of Ceremonies.

MOE's Senior Policy Advisor and Manager of the Early Childhood Care and Education Unit, Dr. Pearlyn Henry Burrell and Ms.Edwards-Boothe expressed their immense satisfaction with the event.

They commended the enthusiastic participation and high level of discourse among attendees and thanked presenters and their teams for contributing to the successful staging of this landmark event.

For more information about the Ministry of Education’s Early Childhood Care and Education provisions, please visit

Learn more about the OES Early Childhood Inspection Framework at