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Monitoring Board Issues Third Annual Report on Prisons

Monitoring Board Issues Third Annual Report on Prisons
06 October 2022, 05:38 AM

The Cayman Islands Independent Monitoring Board (CIIMB), an independent body of volunteers monitoring the prison system in the Cayman Islands, has issued its third annual report.

The CIIMB’s 2021 Annual Report is now available on the website of the Office of the Deputy Governor (ODG) at

CIIMB members conduct monitoring visits throughout the year and are able to discuss their observations and any concerns, on an ongoing basis, with the Prison Management.

During 2021, board members made 183 visits for a total of 450 hours to HMP Northward, HMP Fairbanks and the Enhanced Rehabilitation Unit (ERU) for males. Prisoners were also able to present applications to the Board using Zoom, as outlined in the annual report

The Board reports to the Deputy Governor and is independent of the Department and Ministry responsible for the prison service. The Board shares the outcomes of its monitoring visits for the year through its Annual Report.

Board members also receive and respond to “Applications” from prisoners and detainees regarding certain requests or complaints. Prisoners or detainees are able to submit confidential applications to the Board in writing, or they can speak to members when they are visiting.

The CIIMB’s monitoring and reporting are organised around the World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) four key tests of a healthy custodial environment:

  • Safety: Prisoners, even the most vulnerable, are held safely;
  • Respect: Prisoners are treated with respect for their human dignity;
  • Purposeful activity: Prisoners are able, and expected, to engage in activity that is likely to benefit them; and
  • Rehabilitation and Release Planning: Prisoners are prepared for release into the community and helped to reduce the likelihood of re-offending.

The 2021 Annual Report documents the CIIMB’s findings in relation to each of the key tests, and comments on any areas of progress since its last report, and also lists any improvements achieved during the monitoring period.

For instance, regarding safety of prisoners, the board states its continuing concern that there is still no adequate dedicated accommodation for the vulnerable prisoners at HMP Northward or HMP Fairbanks prisons. Details about the all the board’s concerns and recommendations are provided in the report.

The report also includes management responses from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS). This is intended to help the community understand how the Ministry and/or HCIMPS are addressing or plan to address key issues raised by the Board in their report.

Reflecting on the work of the Board in 2021, CIIMB Chair, Mrs. Dorothy Davis, commented on the challenges the Board had to overcome a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic:

“CIIMB members had to be very innovative in continuing to monitor the prisons, listen to prisoners concerns and respond to applications by way of Zoom and telephone calls. Some in- person visits had to be made with the strictest of precautions, Ms Davis said.

She expressed her gratitude to all the volunteers that make up the CIIMB, for their perseverance in continuing to carry out their important monitoring role in 2021, noting that the CIIMB serves as “the eyes and ears of the community behind the closed doors of our prisons”.

In welcoming the CIIMB’s third Annual report, His Excellency the Governor, Mr. Martyn Roper, OBE stated:

“I would like to extend my thanks to the Independent Monitoring Board for their continued efforts to ensure the humane and just treatment of those held in custody in the Cayman Islands. Trusted to have access to our most secure establishments, respected in highlighting poor standards or areas of excellence, and skilled in handling complex issues, IMB members provide a unique perspective on the operation of our prisons. IMB members support the continuous improvement of our services and despite the difficulties of 2021, I am pleased to see progress in a number of areas highlighted in this annual report.”

Minister for Home Affairs Hon. Sabrina Turner expressed her support for the Board’s work:

“The Prison Service plays a crucial role in national security by ensuring justice and providing rehabilitation services that ultimately lead to healthier and safer people, families, and communities. Our goal is to ensure that our Cayman Islands’ prisons are operating at international standards in terms of human rights and result in keeping our country safe while making lives better.

“The Cayman Islands Independent Monitoring Board’s (CIIMB) role in this process is critical for accountability and is ground-breaking within the Overseas Territories and the Caribbean region. I am grateful for the dedication of the CIIMB and the Prison Service, as we strive to enhance our national standards.”

Acting Director of Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS), Mr. Daniel Greaves, stated:

“Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS) publicly acknowledges and expresses our support for the work of the Cayman Islands Independent Monitoring Board (CIIMB). The 2021 report highlights the current state of affairs, including our physical structural challenges and the need for additional resources. HMCIPS remains committed to improving its facilities, environment, and rehabilitative services to ensure positive outcomes for prisoners. The CIIMB Annual Report is a positive step in the right direction toward a higher level of accountability for HMCIPS to the citizens of the Cayman Islands”.

Acting Chief Officer, Mr. Julian Lewis offered the following on behalf of the Ministry of Home Affairs:

“The 2021 Annual CIIMB report highlights the importance of the CIIMB’s role in monitoring the conditions and treatment of people in prison, as well as the responsiveness of Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS) in addressing many of the concerns, and the continued areas for improvement.

“As a Ministry, we recognize that many areas of development are related to the need for a new fit-for-purpose prison estate, especially in providing equitable services to specific segments of the population. The new prison project, although in its early stages, is currently on track and the Ministry remains committed to supporting HMCIPS in implementing other necessary solutions..

“The Ministry thanks the CIIMB for their tireless efforts to ensure accountability in prison standards, as well as the Office of the Deputy Governor for its support of this process. The Ministry of Home Affairs is also grateful to the Government for its investment in a new prison which is a remarkable step in our social responsibility.”

Members of the CIIMB during the 2021 monitoring period included: Mrs. Dorothy Davis (Chair), Mr. Courtney Perrin (Deputy Chair) and members: Ms Cheryl Myles, Ms Lorna Lumsden, Ms. Dahlia Miller, Mr. Michael Bromby, Mr. Errol Levy, Ms Nelva Ebanks, Mr. Alberto Campuzano and Mr. Paul Nicoll.

The Office the Deputy Governor is currently recruiting additional members to serve on the CIIMB. For more information and an application form, interested persons are asked to send an email to .