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Police Investigates Motor Vehicle Collision Involving a Motorcycle

Police Investigates Motor Vehicle Collision Involving a Motorcycle
25 November 2024, 05:00 PM

Just after 10PM on Sunday 24 November, police were on patrol on Shedden Road, George Town, in the vicinity of Printers Way, when they observed a motorcyclist riding dangerously on the roadway. The motorcycle subsequently collided into another vehicle, and the impact caused the motorcyclist to be thrown from his vehicle, sustaining serious injuries.

The 9-1-1 Communication Centre was informed about the collision and an ambulance requested by the officer that was on scene. The officer rendered immediate first aid to the injured party, following which he was transported to the hospital by the ambulance, where he remains in critical condition. He is believed to have sustained life-threatening-injuries as a result of this incident.

A 20-year-old male driver from George Town who was in the second vehicle involved in the collision, did not report any injuries at the time. However, he was later arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, along with other driving-related offenses. He has since been bailed while the Traffic and Roads Policing Unit conducts further investigations.