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Premier Gives CI Tribute in Farewell to National Hero

Premier Gives CI Tribute in Farewell to National Hero
25 May 2022, 05:17 AM
Politics & Government

Touching tributes and remembrances for the late National Hero, Hon. Sybil Mclaughlin, MBE, JP, at the funeral service on Friday, 20 May 2022, expressed how much she was dearly loved and revered in the Cayman Islands.

Premier, Hon. G. Wayne Panton, JP, MP, gave the Cayman Islands’ tribute to ‘Ms Sybil’ as she was fondly addressed, at the official funeral service at Elmslie Memorial United Church. He shared that she was especially remembered in the districts of East End and George Town but particularly “her beloved South Sound”.

Significantly, Ms Sybil dedicated a good deal of her 93 years to improving the Cayman Islands, notably the lives of the people, the Premier remarked. Despite her humble career beginnings, joining the civil service when only 18 as a clerk at a time when few women served in the workforce, she was always a positive force. A favourite dictum of hers was: “Whatever you do, do your best. Even if you don’t like what you’re doing, do your best.”

The Premier also emphasised how Ms Sibyl was a pioneer in ways that made her a superb role model for other women in the Cayman Islands and beyond. As early as 1967, Ms Sybil was named a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE), notably for her organising the first Commonwealth Parliamentary Association regional conference in the Cayman Islands.

“She was fiercely proud of Cayman and the system of government she helped create,” the Premier said. She brought the “calm, assured and steady hand of wisdom, statesmanship and expertise” to the role of Speaker. “Once again as a trailblazer, she set the highest standard as our first Speaker and commanded the respect of all Members, whilst effortlessly quieting any potential detractors as the Cayman Islands entered a new era of parliamentary democracy.”

The Premier noted that Ms Sybil with her customary grace and humility took the honour of being named the first female National Hero in her stride, saying: ‘I can only say that this high honour that has been bestowed upon me is also a high honour for all Caymanians. I should say particularly Caymanian women.’

He added, “She epitomised the values of integrity, selflessness, perseverance; she strove to do her best whatever the task, whatever the role. Ms Sybil did what she did without thought of recognition or reward,”

(The Premier’s full remarks are attached to this release.)

Hon. Sir Alden McLaughlin, MBE, JP shared his fond memories and the positive influence that Ms Sybil had on his life, in his remarks. As well as giving the family tribute, he also shared a poem.

Additionally, Speaker of the Parliament, Hon. McKeeva Bush reminisced about his experience with Ms Sybil as the House Speaker and sang one of her favourite songs.

Mr. Lemuel Hurlston, CVO, MBE, JP, brought Ms Sybil’s story to life, outlining the cheerful and positive energy that she imparted to all in her family. Granddaughter Miss Natascha McLaughlin gave a tribute from the family.

Former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Mary Lawrence, MBE, JP, read a poem. Former MP, Mrs. Berna Cummins, MBE, provided scripture reading. Also providing an alternating scripture reading were Rev. Louis Sully and Rev. Godfrey Meghoo. Rev Meghoo also provided the opening remarks and prayer. Rev. Sully gave the sermon and the final benediction.

Closing the service was a saxophone rendition of Amazing Grace by Mr. Roberto Cortes; pianist for the service was Mr. Antonio Sanchez while Mr. Denver Bloomfield played the organ.

Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) and the Cayman Islands Coast Guard provided the Guard of Honour while the Pallbearers were officers from the RCIPS, Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service and the Cayman Islands Fire Service.