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Public Health to launch HPV Vaccine at John Gray High School

Public Health to launch HPV Vaccine at John Gray High School
14 May 2024, 05:24 AM
Health, Education

The Public Health Department will be hosting an HPV vaccination clinic for students of the John Gray High School on 15 May 2024 at the school’s campus. This clinic is part of ongoing efforts to improve vaccine accessibility and coverage of the recently acquired Gardasil 9, a pivotal weapon in the ongoing battle against cervical cancer.

Developed to combat human papillomavirus (HPV), the leading cause of cervical cancer, the vaccine has garnered widespread attention and commendation for its effectiveness.

Gardasil 9, offers protection against nine strains of HPV, including those responsible for most cases of cervical cancer. Since its introduction, it has been hailed as a breakthrough in preventive medicine, offering hope for a future where cervical cancer becomes a rare occurrence.

Public Health’s School Nurse Coordinator Carvell Bailey noted that the vaccine's impact on public health cannot be overstated. “By immunizing individuals against HPV, particularly during adolescence when vaccination is recommended, Gardasil 9 has the potential to significantly reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in the long term. It also protects against other HPV-related cancers and diseases including pre-cancerous lesions, cancers and genital warts in males and females,” she explained.

However, despite its proven efficacy and safety profile, Gardasil 9 has faced challenges in achieving universal acceptance. Misinformation and misconceptions surrounding vaccines, in general, have led to hesitancy among some individuals and communities.

The HPV vaccine is free for persons ages 9-25 at the Public Health Clinic. Public Health encourages parents and guardians to speak with their healthcare providers about the importance of HPV vaccination for their children. Addressing concerns and ensuring access to accurate information is important in maximizing the vaccine's impact.

Many countries have integrated Gardasil 9 into their national immunization programs, such as in the United Kingdom, Australia, USA and Canada and countries in the Americas, including the Cayman Islands making it available to adolescents as part of routine vaccinations.