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RCIPS Highlights Incidents of Speeding Involving Young Persons

RCIPS Highlights Incidents of Speeding Involving Young Persons
23 January 2025, 08:52 AM

The RCIPS continues to remind motorists to follow the rules of the road and avoid unsafe driving behaviours such as speeding. This past Sunday, 19 January, RCIPS officers observed three instances of particular note, where young persons were caught speeding excessively, and received stiff penalties as a result.

One of these persons, a 17-year-old of West Bay, was stopped by officers on the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, having been observed driving at 62mph in the 40pmh zone. They received a fine of $440.

A second person, a woman, age 22 of West Bay, was found to be driving at 64mph in a 25mph zone on Walkers Road. Because her speed exceeded double that of the speed limit in the area, she has been warned for intended prosecution, and will have to appear in court, where she will face a fine and the possibility of having her license suspended.


Finally, at about 6:00PM the same day, officers observed a vehicle travelling at 62mph on Rex Crighton Boulevard, a 40mph zone. Officers pulled the driver over, and upon speaking to her, detected the scent of alcohol. A road side breath test was conducted, with a reading over twice the legal limit. The woman, age 21 of West Bay, was informed that she would be arrested on suspicion of DUI. She began to behave aggressively towards the officers, resisting their attempts to arrest her. She was eventually detained and transported to the Detention Centre, where she continued to act in an aggressive and disorderly manner. She was further arrested for resisting arrest and disorderly conduct at a police station. She will now have to attend court for these matters, will have her license suspended, and could possibly face a custodial sentence.

“All three of these persons could have avoided these outcomes if they had simply driven safely, followed the speed limits, and, in one case, avoided driving while under the influence of alcohol,” says Superintendent Roje Williams. “We appeal to all our motorists, especially young persons, to stay safe behind the wheel. You may feel as if you are not really taking a risk, but ask yourself, can you really afford to pay several hundred dollars in fines? To potentially lose your license? Or, what if you paid the ultimate price and lost your life or took the life of another road user? Let’s all do our part on the roads to Stay Safe Cayman.”