At 6.30am on Sunday 23 March, the streets around Seven Mile Public Beach were turned purple by hundreds of fun runners and walkers taking part in the 2025 Colour Me Purple 5K.
The event sees runners and walkers take on a 5km route while getting doused in purple powder at ‘colour bombing stations’ along the course. The vibrant fun run has become a highlight of the Honouring Women Month calendar and this year more than 500 people took part – making it the largest turnout in the event’s 13-year history.
The route started and ended at Seven Mile Public Beach, where there was a lively atmosphere to welcome and celebrate all the participants.
The Honourable Deputy Governor, Franz Manderson was also in attendance, and presented the prizes, as well as promoted the upcoming DG’s 5K Run. Prizes were given for the first, second and third place male and female division. There was also a “Purplest Person” award, and participants had the chance to win numerous raffle prizes provided by the event’s sponsors.
The Colour Me Purple 5K supports the Family Resource Centre’s Young Parent Programme, which provides training and counselling to parents aged under 25.
Charmaine Miller, Clinical Supervisor at the Family Resource Centre, said: “I am overwhelmed by the turn-out and support from the community for this year’s Colour Me Purple 5K. With more than 500 participants, this is our biggest run yet, and I hope that this wonderful event will continue to have a special place in people’s hearts year after year. I want to thank our fantastic team and all the volunteers and sponsors for their generous support and helping to make the event a success.”
Keeping community support at the heart of the event, community partners One2One, Cayman Islands Crisis Centre and The Alex Panton Foundation were on the course and not only provided volunteers, but were present to offer guidance and discussion as needed, and the Cayman Island Red Cross had several representatives along the course ready to administer first aide if needed.
The Family Resource Centre also thanks their colour bombing sponsors Business and Professional Women Club and Ritz Carlton, and Pepsi and Paradise Coffee for generously contributing drinks and free coffee for all participants.
For more information on Honouring Women Month and the Family Resource Centre, please visit