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Unlocked Cars Targeted in Recent Increase of Thefts from Vehicles

Unlocked Cars Targeted in Recent Increase of Thefts from Vehicles
23 March 2023, 05:38 AM

Police are investigating a number of incidents of thefts from vehicles that have occurred in recent weeks. Items commonly stolen in these cases have included construction tools, electronics and money.

Many of the thefts involved vehicles that were left unlocked. As such, police are taking this opportunity to remind the public of the importance of always locking your vehicle and ensuring that all doors and windows are properly closed whenever your vehicle is not in use. Many thefts from vehicles are opportunistic, this means that if a thief finds your vehicle unlocked, you become an easy target.

Other ways you can keep your vehicle and possessions safe include:

  1. As a general rule, don’t leave valuable items in your vehicles. If you have to store items in your vehicles, ensure they are not visible when your car is unattended.
  2. Park vehicles in well-lit areas and if possible in places with security cameras or security officers on sight.
  3. Don’t leave vehicles running or leave vehicles with the keys inside unattended, even for a short amount of time.
  4. Where possible, record serial numbers of equipment and mark items such as construction tools, so that they can be identified more easily if a theft does occur.

The RCIPS is investigating these incidents and is encouraging all members of the public to report any such incidents to the police, regardless of whether or not anything was stolen, by contacting 9-1-1, or your nearest police station.


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