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Youth Parliamentarians prove their Mettle

Youth Parliamentarians prove their Mettle
16 March 2023, 05:50 AM
Education, Government

The 16th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s Youth Parliament was deemed a grand success in scope, performance and attendance.

Twenty six high school and tertiary participants proved their abilities for conducting proceedings in the House and for debating two motions, understanding the thrust and parry that takes place on the floor of the Parliament Chamber during debates. In the process, they also learned about the procedures and practices that underpin the smooth working of Parliament. 

Also, the 26 participants earned kudos from the Governor, the Premier, Ministers, MPs, officials and parents alike for their dedicated, animated and superb performance, making all of them winners of the day.

However, there were also some special trophies added this year, increasing the numbers of those recognised each year for outstanding performance. In addition to the best debater on the Government and Opposition benches, there were also first and second runners-up on either bench, for the first time.