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Your Saturday, Your Museum
26 November 2024, 12:08 PM Art and Cu...

The Cayman Islands National Museum is excited to announce extended opening hours every Saturday

Additional Physician Clinic Days at East End, North Side Health Centres
26 November 2024, 12:06 PM Health

East End and North Side residents now have an additional day to be seen by doctors at the Health Services Authority’s (HSA) district health centres in their respective communities.

Police Investigates Motor Vehicle Collision Involving a Motorcycle
25 November 2024, 05:00 PM Police/Cou...

Just after 10PM on Sunday 24 November, police were on patrol on Shedden Road, George Town, in the vicinity of Printers Way

Police Investigate Serious Collision in George Town Involving Two-Vehicles
25 November 2024, 07:51 AM Police/Cou...

Police was on mobile patrol when they were alerted by members of the public of a collision that took place nearby.

Proactive Traffic Stop Leads to Drug Arrests and Burglary Charge
25 November 2024, 07:49 AM Police/Cou...

At about 3:45AM on Thursday, 21 November, officers conducting proactive burglary patrols in George Town

Construction Update: East End Affordable Land Lots
25 November 2024, 07:43 AM Government

The Ministry of District Administration and Lands (MDAL), with design and project management services from the Public Works Departmen

Mentoring Cayman Opening Reception
22 November 2024, 01:19 PM Business

46 mentees met with their mentors for the first time at the Mentoring Cayman Reception at the Triple C School on Wednesday

Stronger UK Connections Noted at End of JMC Plenary
21 November 2024, 06:00 PM Government

The Joint Ministerial Council Plenary concluded today Thursday 21 November after two days of high-level discussions between the United Kingdom and its Overseas Territories.