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For the Health of it

wed, sat 7:00 PM Wednesday & 9:30 AM Saturday
Tara Bush
Tara Bush

For The Health of It host Tara Bush invites local and international experts to demystify the topic of health. The half-hour show airs on Saturday’s at 9:30 a.m. and is repeated on Wednesday evenings at 7 on 89.9. For the Health Of It reaches a national audience who are interest in health related issues.

To book your appearance on the show email  Comments and show ideas are also accepted via email. 

For the Health of it Contact Information
Phone Direct line (345) 949-7799
Email Host Tara Bush
  For the Health of it
Mailing Address For the Health of it(Radio Cayman) P.O. Box 1110, Grand Cayman KY1-1102, CAYMAN ISLANDS
Rates Commercial Advertise on For the Health of it
Listen Live Day & Timing 10:00 am Saturday or Wednesday 7:00 pm.

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For the Health of it